The device known as OBD (On Board Diagnostics) is an integrated diagnostic system that allows the monitoring and management of different parameters of a vehicle, such as the engine, the electronic brake system (ABS) Battery level and many other elements. This allows us to verify the correct functioning of all systems and to detect possible problems before they are aggravated. Thanks to this device we can also know at all times the speed that maintains the vehicle, the amount of gases it expels and, of course, the level of fuel, water, etc.
The circuit performed is based entirely on the OBD-II protocol that acts before a CAN-BUS. The work will focus on the design and assembly of a system that simulates the operation of an ECU of a real vehicle, which is very useful in order to understand a little better its operation, allowing us to find new functions or Sensors that could be applied.
This type of experiment is very useful for the automotive industry, as more and more types and models of vehicles are on the market, resulting in the appearance of new parameters other than those that are usually used. For the assembly of the simulator, low-cost materials will be used, such as resistors, potentiometers, push-buttons, etc. And the simulator will work thanks to the implementation of the OBD-II standard, using Arduino programming, which will use an Arduino UNO board, together with a CAN shield Shield (which will act as CAN). All information will be collected by the ELM 327 (OBD-II) and displayed through the computer screen using diagnostic software (ScanMaster-ELM), which receives the data from the USB port on which The ELM 327 is connected.
In future posts I will explain you this project in detail ...
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